Our Story

The jewelry that started it all
A few years ago we were introduced to the world of thrift shopping, vintage collectibles, and flea markets. It was a way of life previously unknown to us and discovering that this existed just made the universe seem brighter, happier. But it wasn’t all skipping through aisles, unearthing hidden treasures like a stylish Indiana Jones – it was challenging. Every purchase was a history lesson in the making and we spent a lot of time frantically Googling at Goodwill while bystanders gazed curiously. We anxiously wanted to know just what exactly we were about to buy. But the real problem was when we found information we weren’t sure it was reliable. Over time, we found that talking with other collectors and shop owners was where we learned the most and found the best information. We wished that there was a spot where all this trusted knowledge could be stored, retrieved, and shared with other shoppers. We hoped that this site could give us other tips like polishing our looks with era-appropriate hair and makeup; that it could also be a comprehensive directory of honest to goodness kick-butt vintage shops. Was this just a beautiful dream? Following in the footsteps of the lightbulb, Dairy Queen, or the Snuggie this dream is now a reality: enter, Cause A Frockus!
We love what the vintage community embodies: an appreciation of all things unique and well-crafted; a respect for people, places, and things from the past; and a devotion to exploration. Cause A Frockus aims to channel the best parts of this realm, giving you the most reliable advice and info while making it fun. But it’s not just a one-way street, you are the Cause A Frockus community – ask us a question, share a photo of your new find, or tell us about what you love to collect. We can find all sorts of topics to research til the sun comes down, but we want to know what you want to hear more about and if you think we missed a spot! The online space we’ll build together is a sounding board and a positive place for us all to connect. The vintage community is a pretty amazing and supportive group of people (I mean, let’s face it – we’re awesome) and there’s always room for more.
Last, but certainly not least, we have a lot of people asking about the name. What’s in a name after all? Well, for us Cause A Frockus is a delightful play on causing a ruckus and that’s exactly what we want you all to do. Go forth and seek out new treasures, meet fellow collectors, and enjoy. That’s the best part of vintage after all: learning through shopping. Onward and upward – we hope you all enjoy the ride.
How do I subscribe to your feed
Hi Marike!
Thanks for reaching out, on the home page in the upper right there is a link for subscribing to our feed. Cheers!