Seeking comfort
Apr 22, 2020 | by Becky Oeltjenbruns

From Pinterest
I don’t know about you, dear reader, but it’s getting harder and harder for me to scan the daily headlines. I am striving to find a balance between staying informed and not building anxiety. Maintaining this inner harmony isn’t easy, but I have support in great friendships and diverse interests. History and storytelling have always been a comfort to me. During this challenging period my devotion in looking to the past for inspiration has proven even more soothing for my soul. It’s this feeling that influenced our recent quick escape series.
In the middle of my cursory glance over the headlines last night I discovered that I’m not alone as more folks are developing an interest in the past. This phenomenon makes sense to me as it’s natural to seek comfort via things that are tried and true. What struck me most about this headline, however, is how the idea was presented. In the article the journalist frames this concept of historical solace as a “new” trend. To my fellow lovers of history I say congrats on being a trendsetter! Personally I hope that revisiting the past goes from trend to cultural standard after this pandemic ends.
History teaches us a great deal about ourselves. Sometimes the lessons are eye-opening and call us to action. Other times the message is one of warmth and happiness. Whatever you are seeking, a spectrum of information awaits you at every turn – the past is filled with teachable moments. Who knows what you’ll find as you dig in? If you’re lucky you can experience the thrill of discovering something new about something old! For this time right now, maybe it’s enough to just feel a familiar presence. Tell me reader, how are you seeking comfort in these trying days? Here’s a list of our favorites…
When you need to shake your sillies out
Few comedic actors can top the iconic Peter Sellers and his turn as the bumbling Inspector Jacques Clouseau is not to be missed
The Princess Bride is a beloved classic and full of quotable quips
Road trip adventures are always the perfect setting for shenanigans and The Great Race proves that point beautifully
When you’re in the mood for a touch of glamour
Hollywood was never more elegant than when Audrey Hepburn wore Givenchy in Breakfast at Tiffany’s or Sabrina
From the moment she burst into the public eye, Jackie O. represented American chic. Learn more about her international appeal in the book “One Special Summer.”

From Pinterest
Escape into a world of romance and fabulous fashion with “A Vintage Affair” by Isabel Wolff
When you want to play detective
Do something nice for your little gray cells and spend some time with Hercule Poirot
Discover Blue Eyes as you’ve never seen him before in this classic thriller
Few private eyes had as much fun as Nick & Nora – join them in their jazz age adventures
When only singing a happy song will do
This Christmas classic not only has the cutest cast of characters, but they sing tunes that will put a pep in your step
Professor Henry Higgins will have you tapping your toe in no time thanks to his fair lady
Food and song – one of the best pairings I know (and Judy Garland agreed!)