Happy 500!
Nov 27, 2019 | by Becky Oeltjenbruns

Pinterest – Glam Pad
Six years ago I embarked on a quest to cultivate a joyful and informative space on the internet. What began as an opportunity to share my love of history has blossomed into a vintage lifestyle blog with 500 posts! Along the way we’ve heard from tremendous contributors, interviewed amazing vintage experts, and received correspondence from hundreds of passionate collectors. What’s been truly incredible (and inspiring) to me during this time, is the kindness from this community. Comments aren’t snarky, they’re inquisitive. It’s a helpful, fun, and safe spot to learn together. I find being a steward of this environment very fulfilling.
Cause A Frockus has given me license to explore a wide range of topics and I’m so thankful for this platform. Some articles have required detailed research and some have not. I’ve experienced seasons of being highly organized – charting out editorial calendars with precision. Yet I’ve also experienced seasons of happy chaos – letting the muse lead me down unexpected paths. No matter the topic, the thrill of communicating captivates me. In a world that bombards us with noise, it’s important to celebrate the pause. Cause A Frockus is a cause for celebration for me and I hope, dear reader, it’s been a refuge for you as well.
They say that art imitates life and, in skimming through past features, this sentiment rings true. Writing about iconic knitters helped me heal after the loss of my beloved grandma Carolyn, learning more about female work from home pioneers gave me a much-needed confidence boost before taking on a new role, and considering the golden era of print media served as a mechanism for understanding the fake news phenomenon. The past is a treasure trove of valuable lessons, trajectory-altering insights, and interesting people. It’s an honor to share stories from eras gone by with this community. (And it’s an absolute delight to read your feedback!)
Sitting here today, celebrating a happy 500, I’m already looking forward to what will unfold during the next 500 posts! Here’s to enjoying simple joys, feeding our curiosity, and fostering collaboration. I would be remiss to wrap up this celebratory note without a quick shout-out to my favorite articles. It’s very difficult to limit myself to ten – but here goes! Let me know, dear reader, which article(s) have been your favorite in the comments…
The Great Fashion Face Off of 1973
Can Beauty Queens Affect Change?
Crisis and Innovation in Fashion