Why the Golden Girls are my spirit guides
Apr 6, 2016 | by Becky Oeltjenbruns
Over the weekend my allergies kicked into overdrive. Being outside with the dogs sent me into a frenzy of sneezes, runny nose spells, and irritated eyes. What’s a girl to do when she needs to lay low? Why… binge watch some classic tv of course. And I had the perfect option at the ready – the complete DVD collection of my all-time favorite American show. Let me walk you through the reasons why the Golden Girls are my spirit guides.
A foundation of friendship
I know the question is already on the tip of your tongue, but don’t even ask me – I cannot name my favorite girl. I love each character for a different reason: Sophia’s sass, Dorothy’s grace under pressure, Rose’s optimism, and Blanche’s confidence. Each woman has her own strengths and weaknesses; even if these bold personalities cause the gals to get on each other’s last nerves, at the end of the day they’ve always got each other’s backs. Talk about your squad goals.
What’s your favorite retro show? Tell me in the comments!
Truthfully there is no challenge that can tear their foundation asunder. And as any fellow Golden Girls fan can attest, the show definitely didn’t shy away from serious issues: Dorothy’s mystery medical condition in season five (see number seventeen on this list), Rose’s HIV scare, national issues like elder care, addiction, or immigration – the girls went there together. More importantly, they came through the other side together. There can be so much negativity within today’s female community: mommy shaming, body shaming – the list goes on. Let’s all decide to let a little Golden Girls into our lives and stop with the shaming and start with the supporting!
Not afraid to go there
One of my favorite things about the show is that each character is free to be herself. Each gal indulges in her personality quirks openly. Naturally this creates an atmosphere for some pretty stellar witty banter. While these lines made Golden Girls a runaway hit upon its 1985 debut, it also taught me an important life lesson. People can tease you, people may even judge you, but don’t be afraid of the conflict; speak your mind, recognize when someone has a valid point, stick up for yourself as needed, and most importantly never stop being you. (Also, true friends will call you out on your silliness and that doesn’t mean they love you any less. Honesty can be brutal, but a real pal will tell it like it is.)
Rose and her never-ending St. Olaf stories are my favorite examples of this lesson. In my opinion, these interactions provided the staging ground for some of the best dialogue on the show. Betty White continues to have an amazing career and is an national treasure, but she’s always going to be Rose Nylund to me. Here’s a fun collection of Rose’s St. Olaf moments. I don’t know about you, but I need number seven printed onto a throw pillow.
The pals that snack together, stay together
Being on the set to film one of the notorious late night cheesecake chats is a fantasy of mine. Those scenes displayed such camaraderie – it’s like the Full House moment at the end of the episode where the music swept in and you knew a knowledge bomb was about to be dropped. Something about that ritual made the world a better place and gave that 30 minute journey a nice sense of closure. The cheesecake scenes are like that for me, only the knowledge is served with a healthy side of humor.
Dorothy: Ohhh, do you know how many great, late night talks we’ve had at this kitchen table over cheesecake?
Rose: No. How many?
Dorothy: One hundred and forty-six, Rose!
Whatever your friendship ritual is, the point is to have one. Maybe that’s celebrating big news with a snack at your local cafe or setting a time on your calendar to have a long talk; make time for your friends. Find those time to connect, create memories, and forge new traditions. And if that involves cheesecake at 3am, then I say more power to you! Now that I’ve shared why the Golden Girls are my spirit guides, it’s your turn to share your classic tv spirit guide stories…