Oct 17, 2014 | by Becky Oeltjenbruns

Safari at sunset, lovely!
If you haven’t seen Hatari! yet – then prepare yourself for a treat. This film makes a perfect date night selection because it stars the eternally brave and manly John Wayne, it’s set in an exotic locale where adventurous things happen, but there’s also stunning beauty and emotionally-charged relationships. Unlike today’s big blockbusters that stick well within the boundaries of their genre – this gem throws all that to the wind and instead focuses on making an entertaining and heartfelt flick.

John Wayne, deep in thought
Hatari! was introduced to audiences in 1962 and starred the aforementioned John Wayne as stern leader, Sean Mercer. He is the boss of a ragtag team of outdoorsmen who help zoos find animals for their sanctuaries. The supporting cast is extraordinary, but the special treats are the performances by Red Buttons and Elsa Martinelli (she plays Anna Maria D’Allesandro, a nature photographer sent there on assignment). This film was directed by Howard Hawks and it was shot in his signature, “off the cuff” style. What’s great about the ad lib approach is that the crazy action scenes weren’t rehearsed. Capturing that sense of panic and danger in real life makes the movie really come alive. Here’s a few of our favorite take-aways from this film – tell us yours in the comments.

The beautiful Elsa Martinelli in 1964
Say yes to adventure
It’s so easy to get swept up in the routine of daily life. And consistency is all well and good – but sometimes you gotta shake it up a bit. Now, we’re not suggesting you take the next flight to Africa and start a new life out in the middle of nowhere (unless that’s really what speaks to you – in which case, that’s awesome!), but make some small changes to incorporate new adventures in your day-to-day. Striking out and trying something different is exciting, a bit scary, and will end up making you a stronger version of your naturally brilliant self. So go forth – grab that Groupon travel deal that you’ve been saving in your inbox, try a new Indian restaurant tonight, or take a 30 second dance break at the office tomorrow. Embrace joy and seek out happiness – daily!
A theme song is everything
Don’t let characters on tv or in movies have all the fun – find your own special jam that gets you motivated to kick butt! Having that special song (or songs) at your fingertips can make all the difference in your day. Music inspires and uplifts, so make a new playlist, label it “I’m awesome”, and fill it with tunes that make you absolutely happy. In the movie, that particular tune is Baby Elephant Walk by Henry Mancini. A toe tapper and we won’t blame you if it finds its way into your iPod.
Don’t let bad luck keep you down
In the movie, the rhinos are notoriously hard fellas to catch, but the crew keeps on trying against all odds. Granted, there’s some team injuries along the way, but they don’t shrink under the challenge – they rise to it. Sometimes life gets tough. Really tough. And you think you just can’t summon the courage to get around an obstacle in your way. But remember – you are pretty amazing. So crank up that playlist we mentioned and persevere.

Sweet little elephant
Let people show you who they are and what they’re capable of
This is such an easy thing to forget. It’s human nature to pre-judge or make assumptions about other people. While it’s in our nature, that doesn’t mean it’s a good thing. For example, in the movie Sean assumes that Anna won’t last one day with the crew and that she has no reason to be there – no valuable contributions to make. Perhaps because she’s a lady or perhaps because she’s also an exotic beauty, who knows. But I’m proud to report, she proves him wrong in a big way – even earning herself the nickname Mama Timbo (Mother of the Elephants) for her dedication to saving three baby elephants.
Like all great films, this tale leaves you with something to ponder over after the credits have rolled. The cherries on the top include an amazing soundtrack, tons of adventure, beautiful backdrops, and a great in-depth look into characters who live on the edge everyday. We highly recommend you add this to your date night movie line up!
Cause A Frockus would like to thank the people who post their images without restriction.
For our readers: Do you love John Wayne in this role or is it weird to not see him as a traditional cowboy?