Vintage beauty tips that still work
Aug 25, 2014 | by Becky Oeltjenbruns

Actress Jacqueline Logan, make up instructional video from 1922
When perusing your local flea market or antique shop you may find yourself face to face with a vintage beauty guide. The exercising and makeup techniques may seem silly and terribly outdated, but is there a grain of truth hidden in there? We asked our resident expert, Ashton with Pinup Salon, if there are vintage beauty tips that still work…
Why you should brush your hair before bedtime
In most retro publications you’ll find articles touting the benefits of brushing your hair 50 times before laying your head down and heading off to dream land. We asked Ashton if there’s any benefit to this mathematical notion. Her reply: while the quantity of brushstrokes isn’t really the core issue, the premise is sound.

Woman brushing her lovely locks in 1887
Brushing the hair nightly pulls oil through the hair, keeping the ends moisturized. In our modern society where cleanliness can be taken to extremes with daily shampooing, our essential oils never get to the end of the hair shaft, making the strands dry and weak. A side bonus to nightly hair brushing, it will stimulate your scalp and encourage hair growth – so brush away!
How to apply rouge
Beauty tips from the 1920s recommend applying rouge to the chin to help a pale complexion glow. Ashton advices that the best location for your blush is the apples of your cheeks and the bridge of your nose. When you apply rouge, what you want to draw attention to are places where the sun will naturally kiss your face. Besides, your chin may not be the thing you most want to highlight with a red/peach tone. Keeping it simple with your cheeks and nose will mean you’re looking stunning in no time.
The benefits of cold cream
Cold creams were one of the break through beauty products of the early 20th century, but are easily forgotten these days. They are still excellent for cleaning the pores and lubricating the skin, but what should you look for when buying a cold cream? For Ashton, finding a melty and light cream is best because these will work best to extract oil. Most beauty experts will tell you that oil attracts oil, so a great way to pull out oil and keep your face nice looking fresh is to use a daily cold cream.

Actress Jacqueline Logan, 1922.
Ashton also recommends exfoliating weekly as part of your skin care routine. Olive oil is mentioned in a lot of vintage skin care articles as a great solution and, all in all, it still is. However, Ashton feels its better used as an eye makeup remover in our modern times as cold cream solutions have come a long way since their early days.
Why you should wash your face with cold water
Cold water was the vintage gal’s best friend in the fight against a dull complexion. While Ashton says that the inspiration for using cold water has changed, it’s still a great component for your daily routine. Cold water is great for your skin because your pores expand or contract based on the temperature they encounter. A chilly rinse will make pores shrink, making you look even more flawless.
Cause A Frockus would like to thank the amazing Ashton with Pinup Salon for her expert advice.
For our readers: What vintage beauty tips do you incorporate into your daily routine? Share with us in the comments…
I never thought of my beauty routine as “vintage” until I read this interview!
I have long, blonde hair – wash it only 2-3 times per week, using homemade shampoo and conditioner [purchased online]. My hair is thick and healthy! The occasional lemon juice rinse brightens things up and removes any product. For years, I took a cue from my grandmother [she had glorious skin!] and used Oil of Olay, which has been around since the 1930’s, I believe. Had to switch because of sensitivity, my skin is very temperamental. She also swore by Ponds Cold Cream and only Ponds, thank you very much!
I use only glycerine soap or homemade soap/shower gel [with the exception of Cetaphil, that dratted sensitive complexion again!]. Home made or natural-type lotions and oils. To take my toilette almost completely back before the Atomic Age – I quit using commercial anti-perspirant about four years ago! Did I mention my sensitive skin? Only natural deodorant now – and yes, it works.
Going to go, give the Model T a crank and get my day started – great topic. Would be interested to hear how others give their beauty routines a vintage twist.
Hi Ellen!
What homemade shampoo and conditioner products do you use? I’m curious as I need to go down the path of healthier options myself…
Until my mother passed away at 91, she used Ponds facial cream and continually received compliments on her beautiful complexion. My grandmother would encourage me to brush my hair 50 times a day. She told me, as a young girl, she could “flip” her hair over the back of a rocking chair, and it would touch the ground. Hats off to those beauty hints!!
Hi Ann,
How great to hear from you! Wonderful to know that Pond’s is a great investment 🙂 Since talking with Ashton, I’ve started brushing my hair nightly in addition to my normal routine. I’ve already noticed a difference in its shine!