Why we love The Princess Bride
Jan 15, 2014 | by Becky Oeltjenbruns

The Princess Bride
We love this 1987 film and find ourselves quoting lines a lot, perhaps more often than we should! But really, isn’t life more fun when you respond with “as you wish?” The Princess Bride taught us so many important life lessons and we think you’ll agree that narrowing it down to six is a bit tricky, so let us know in the comments what your favorite lessons are too!
Reading a story on a sick day is really the best medicine
Even though Fred Savage was initially apprehensive, he can’t help but become engrossed with the tale that his doting grandpa is reading to him. Next time you’re feeling down and out, treat yourself to a world of adventure by reading a story. Letting your imagination roam is good for the soul and it’s a good way to distract yourself from pesky things like the flu! Reading together is even more special because it gives you time to bond with someone special and make memories together.
Never lose sight of your goals
Inigo Montoya is one of our favorite characters and his persistent spirit is inspiring. Granted, our life goals are not revenge-seeking in nature, but that same energy can – and should – be applied to any situation. Work hard and never give up because in the end your efforts will be rewarded.

Image by Sarah Stierch
Love can lead you down some interesting paths
From being “captured” by the Dread Pirate Roberts to Rodents of Unusual Size and the Pit of Despair, Westley goes through a lot in the name of love. The takeaway: love can be a roller coaster journey, but if you’ve found that person who makes your heart sing, that crazy road will be worth it in the end. And remember, some of the strangest journeys spent together build the best memories.
Adopt a signature something
For Westley it’s “as you wish” in any reply to Buttercup, for Count Rugen it’s six fingers, and for Inigo Montoya it’s a singular mission – each character has an undeniable trait that makes them who they are. Don’t be afraid to make something your own special thing – whether it’s a certain color of lip stick or a favorite brooch, showcase something unique. This kind of confidence alerts the world that you’re here and you mean business! You may also find that it adds a pep to your step.
Don’t give up hope
Miracle Max is another amazing character whose kooky wisdom still brings a smile to our face. Just when we think all hope is lost and Westley has expired, Miracle Max alerts the group that he’s “only mostly dead” and fetches a solution. The important thing to remember here is that when you feel you are face to face with an impossible challenge, ask someone for help. Fresh perspective is always helpful – either they will have a solution or can help you on your road to problem-solving.
Everything’s a conversation
One of our favorite things about this film has to be the witty dialogue and fiery exchanges between the characters. For us, the scene where Westley talks around an impending fight with Prince Humperdinck (to hide his paralysis) is especially funny. Despite the humor, it does provide a nice lesson: don’t always assume you have to fight fire with fire. Discussions are best because it allows both sides to channel their energy toward a mutually beneficial solution rather than an argument. So remember, keep your head and work to be a force for calm.
Cause A Frockus would like to thank the amazing film, The Princess Bride, as well as the people who post their imagery without restriction.
For our readers: do you love this film? What are some of your favorite moments?