Why We Love Peter Sellers in The Pink Panther
Nov 20, 2013 | by Becky Oeltjenbruns

Original Image from JJ Georges
This 1963 caper is a comedic masterpiece, complete with the exciting world of jewel robbery, a beautiful princess, a pretend dog-napping, and of course the bumbling and lovable Inspector Jacques Clouseau. Even with all of his blunders, there is a lot we can learn from his heartfelt perseverance…
If you fall down, pick yourself right back up and carry on
Life excels at throwing curve balls into our path (or in some cases we create the challenges); the best plan of attack is to ignore those bumps and continue to forge ahead. So you trip over a rug when you enter a room, fall into open closets, or turn the shower on in your face – take it all in stride!
Find your own happiness
Inspector Clouseau follows the beat of his own drum and while he may not be the best at playing the violin or sleuthing, he is still a pleasant, positive force for good. This is such a valuable life lesson. There are definitely moments when it’s easy to focus solely on your faults. But just remember that our mistakes don’t define us – what matters is how we respond. So take a cue from the good inspector and focus your energy on appreciating what brings you joy. In time those missteps will only make you stronger and wiser, so in the meantime play your violin as often as you’d like. Check out the 1:25 mark for inspiration: http://movieclips.com/9w2zi-the-pink-panther-movie-my-stradivarius/

Still shot from YouTube
Whatever you do, do it big!
Our dear Clouseau never walks through a door the same way twice and you have to admire his confidence to create enduring impressions. He single-handedly breaks up “the social event of the season” with an impromptu fireworks show and is willing to go across town to get milk for his lovely wife. So what’s the theme? Don’t be afraid to make the big gestures and put yourself out there. You may get mixed results, but some things are guaranteed: you won’t live with the thought of “what if”, you’ll definitely have amazing tales to tell, and you’ll build character along the way.
When in Rome…
So you gotta do a stakeout at a costume party? Dress up in armor, of course! This is naturally a scientifically proven way to track down a couple of thieving gorillas. Clouseau teaches us that you should tailor solutions to your context – and never discredit a creative approach.
Keep your interests diverse
Inspector Clouseau was myopic in his quest to take down the illusive Phantom. That obsession ended up turning on him by the end of the film, resulting in his erroneous arrest. We can all learn from his experience and work to expand our own interests. Next time you feel consumed with your job, family events, or school – take a step back and take a fresh look at your goals. Seizing a few moments to check in with yourself will help you stay well-rounded and energized to tackle whatever comes your way.

Try and see the best in people
Even though Madame Clouseau deceived Jacques under his nose, he gave his heart completely and was deeply happy. Some may find it sad that he missed all the glaringly obvious signs, but we find it endearing that he loved so completely. Sure people may disappoint you along the way, but if you never connect with people you’ll miss out on potential happiness.
Cause A Frockus would like to thank our tremendous resources: The Pink Panther movie, YouTube, the good folks at http://movieclips.com/, http://www.metacafe.com/watch/mv-Esw3p/the_pink_panther_1963_film_ill_have_your_stripes/, and the wonderful people who post their imagery on Wikipedia Commons without restriction.
For our readers:
What’s your favorite Pink Panther moment? Tell us about your beloved memories of Pink Panther in the comments below!