Quotes from women we love
Nov 26, 2014 | by Becky Oeltjenbruns

Katharine Hepburn, studio promo pic
It’s hard to believe that we’re fast approaching the end of another year. And if you’re anything like me, you start thinking about your goals and dreams for the new year. There’s no better place to look for inspiration than from amazing, vintage icons – legends of intelligence, power, and talent. I hope you enjoy this collection of quotes from women we love – tell us your favorites in the comments.
Katharine Hepburn
To those who knew her, Katharine was determined and spirited – independent and proud of it! For those of us who watch her films, that essence definitely carries through on screen. Whether she was in a dramatic or comedic role, she took your breath away. Her staggering career spanned for over fifty years and she garnered several awards and accolades along the way. Perhaps one of the best is her 1999 induction by the American Film Institute as the greatest female star in Hollywood history.

Pretty sure this covers it all!
I love this quote from her – it reminds me to be brave and I think that’s an especially timely message when considering new goals. Katharine was famous for her “rule breaking” by refusing to fit into society’s idea of a traditional female starlet. She spoke her mind, was an athlete (gasp!), and even wore pants before it was considered acceptable. In essence, Katharine embodied the modern woman and paved the way for future icons to set their own rules – rather than conform to the existing.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor was the original triple threat: politics, diplomacy, and activism. She was the longest-serving First Lady of the United States and a crucial adviser to her husband during his terms in office. Due to his illness, she often campaigned and gave speeches on his behalf. Can you imagine her commanding a room, considering how women’s roles in the public realm were still so limited? She was definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Joy and compassion
This quote from Eleanor is a wonderful reminder that, even as we consider our own goals, to never lose sight of the needs of those around us. This idea didn’t just exist on paper for her, she lived this way. But her compassion and determination was not without controversy. She was very outspoken on issues of race, women’s rights, and social inequalities, during a time when the rest of the country wasn’t ready to come to terms with the harshness of what was really happening.
In addition to being an all-around amazing person, she was the first presidential spouse to hold a press conference, wrote for a newspaper, became a UN council delegate, and spoke on a worldwide scale. She even would publicly disagree with her husband’s stance on issues. Eleanor was a gal who was not only intelligent, she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind!
Coco Chanel
When I think of Coco Chanel a lot of great things come to mind, but beyond her achievements in fashion, I think of her incredible entrepreneurial spirit. When you consider the context of the world in the early 1900s, that really speaks to her determination. While she’s known for liberating womankind from corsets, her new clothes did so much more than impact a silhouette. Her casual, sporty, chic aesthetic encouraged women to go beyond the home and explore the world.

Coco Chanel speaks a simple truth. Be yourself – always!
I think this quote gets at the core of Coco’s success and therefore we would be wise to pay attention to these words. Don’t be afraid to set ambitious goals and work tirelessly to get there. Believe in yourself, seek out advice, and stay true to your heart. All great things to remember when you enjoy that last sip of champagne and are watching the ball drop on New Year’s Eve.
Louisa May Alcott
If you enjoyed Little Women, you also were treated to a peek into Louisa’s real life. I always admire when people can not only write truthfully about their life experiences, but are brave enough to share these thoughts with the world. Beyond the power of her pen, there’s so much more about Louisa May Alcott that I look up to: she was ahead of her time, championing many social issues (Louisa was an abolitionist and a feminist); she didn’t let poverty discourage her from dreaming; and she sought out mentors.

Just keep on swimming, right?
I love this quote. When I read these words I am reminded to not get over-encumbered by the noise that surrounds me, but just focus on what’s ahead of me. This is the way you stay on course after all and considering Louisa’s professional success, I feel it’s good advice to heed.
For our readers: Who do you look to when you need inspiration?