What’s your vintage beauty routine?
Aug 6, 2014 | by Becky Oeltjenbruns

Our favorite go-to product!
There’s something really comforting in tradition. Lately I’ve been channeling some of my Grandma Helen’s beauty routines. Why? Because life is getting frantic and having a nightly routine that makes me feel connected with the strong women in my life refreshes me for whatever the morning will bring. Don’t get me wrong, I love how fast Cause A Frockus is growing but it does make me feel like I need to consciously carve out relaxation time to keep my sanity. So my latest night-time ritual: trying to journal a bit before crawling under the covers (or something else quiet, unplugged, and focused), washing my face with Pond’s Cold Cream, putting some Vaseline on my lips and finger nails, and putting on lotion. Share with us: what’s your vintage beauty routine? How do you relax and find balance when you get stressed?
Great vintage beauty products
Pond’s Cold Cream
I love, love, love Pond’s Cold Cream. There is something so calming about the scent and the feeling of cool water on your skin at night. Plus, as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized how important skin care is! I enjoy supporting products with a rich history and Pond’s story is pretty cool.

1910 advertisement for Pond’s Extract
It all began in the 1840s when Theron Tilden Pond invented his ground-breaking product, Pond’s Extract. This cream was extraordinary because it was one of the first to make the most of hazel extract. This popularity supported a shop in New York City and the admiration of women everywhere. By 1907 Pond’s Cold Cream and Pond’s Vanishing Cream debuted. In three short decades, the creams were being sold in over one hundred nineteen countries all over the world.
As Ashton reminds me, if I want to rock the red lipstick I gotta make sure my lips are moisturized. Rubbing a little Vaseline on my lips at night automatically ensures I’m ready to apply lipstick in the morning. Much like Pond’s, Vaseline was a mid-1800s invention. It started when a twenty two year old chemist from New York, Robert Chesebrough, went to investigate an oil well.
Consider that, at this time, the oil industry was a relatively new business. A lot of scientists and entrepreneurs were trying to figure out different ways to carve out revenue from this industry. Chesebrough was no different and his exploratory mission was vital to the creation of Vaseline.

Vaseline, simply the best
During his visit, oil workers were complaining about a sticky byproduct of the drilling process. This “rod wax” was sticking to the rigs and causing all sorts of logistical problems. Yet, it had a helpful side as well. Workers were rubbing it on their scrapes and burns. Chesebrough saw this as an opportunity and ended up creating a usable petroleum jelly. In 1870 he marketed it as Vaseline. It immediately became a popular bathroom cabinet staple and in 1955 it merged with another icon, Pond’s.
Coty Airspun Loose Face Powder
I have distinct memories of the orange box with illustrated powder puffs. When I put this on in the morning, the aroma soothes me and brings a sense of majesty to an otherwise mechanical habit. You may think that a “sense of majesty” sounds over-dramatic, but once you know that this powder has been making movie stars look flawless since 1935, you’ll feel that way too!

Orange and beautiful!
Coty was founded in 1904 by François Coty in Paris. The twenty nine year old perfume genius set his sights on revolutionizing the beauty industry and he did just that! In five short years his industrial complex, called Perfume City, housed all elements of manufacturing and development of perfume. Coty went on to hire brilliant designers like René Lalique to create stunning, but cost-effective beauty products. These collaborations catapulted the Coty brand, as well as perfume and cosmetics, into the forefront of social consciousness. That role was taken further by the creation of the Coty American Fashion Critics’ Award. This prestigious honor helped foster recognition for the American fashion industry.
For our readers: tell us about your favorite vintage beauty routine! Learn more about Coty, Vaseline, and Pond’s and share your memories and thoughts with us…
How fascinating, I had no idea about the origins of Vaseline! I’ve never used cold cream but have often thought about giving it a go – think this has spurred me on and I will pick some up next time I’m shopping.
Lovely to hear from you Helen! Yes, I didn’t either until I looked into it – I love learning the history of the big brands and products that have become a part of our culture. I’ve found cold cream before bed really soothes me – Pond’s has such a calming aroma. Excited to hear that you feel inspired to give it a go!